Sir Anthony Hopkins Talks to the Students of Thomas Aquinas College

Описание к видео Sir Anthony Hopkins Talks to the Students of Thomas Aquinas College

On Thursday, March 29, students at Thomas Aquinas College were treated to an hour-long question-and-answer session with a visitor who is widely considered among the world's greatest living actors, Sir Anthony Hopkins.

"I feel very privileged to be in such a place," he told the students. "I've never seen such a beautiful place in my life. It's most amazing. It's like Shangri-La!"

To learn more about Sir Anthony's visit, see:

Celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, Thomas Aquinas College has developed a solid reputation for academic excellence in the United States and abroad. At Thomas Aquinas College, there are no majors, no minors, or electives because all students acquire a broad and fully integrated liberal education. The College offers one 4-year, classical curriculum that spans the major arts and sciences. Instead of reading textbooks, students read the original works of the greatest thinkers in Western civilization — the great books — in all the major disciplines: mathematics, natural science, literature, philosophy, and theology.

Rather than listening to lectures, they engage in rigorous Socratic discussions about these works in classes of 15-18 students. The academic life of the college is conducted under the light of the Catholic faith and flourishes within a close-knit community, supported by a vibrant spiritual life. Genuinely committed to upholding civic virtue and leading lives dedicated to the good of others, Thomas Aquinas College graduates enter a wide array of fields where they are a powerful force for good in the Church and in the culture. Well-versed in rational discourse, they become leaders in education, law, medicine, journalism, public policy, military service, and business. In addition, a steady 10% of alumni go on to the priesthood or religious life.


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