Prince of Persia T2T: The Unofficial Patch (Camera/Mouse FIX , FOV ,16:9 4K Support, and more.)

Описание к видео Prince of Persia T2T: The Unofficial Patch (Camera/Mouse FIX , FOV ,16:9 4K Support, and more.)

Since Ubisoft does not care about this franchise, I took on the challenge to fix this mess without any source code in my free time.

It was hard as hell and I almost gave up 3 times, but after a full month of trial and error I have managed to reverse engineer some aspects of The camera system and mouse functions in order to fix this mess.
I also included some fixes from other modmakers to make this project the definitive Unofficial Patch for the game.

I also tried some texture modding for a proper remaster, but every time I had more than 10 new textures, the game just crashed after loading a save.

If you like what I did, then please consider supporting me to ease my pain after exploring this ugly dungeon made by Ubisoft 18 Years ago.

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All the information about how to install it (It's very easy) + full patch notes are on my main mod page.

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Have fun with the game now :)


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