Chapter 8.4 - Arranging a Project - Logic Pro Tutorial and User Guide

Описание к видео Chapter 8.4 - Arranging a Project - Logic Pro Tutorial and User Guide

0:00 Intro
01:38 Mute/Soloing Regions
20:33 Time Stretching Algorithms
50:06 Splitting Regions

Do you really want to learn Logic Pro and become a Logic Pro Power User? Now is your chance. Learn from the very best in the game today. Eddie Grey teaches you the user guide for Logic Pro with extended tutorials throughout each chapter. Anyone can watch random videos on YouTube but why not be different by learning this comprehensive and integrated program.

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"Resources for The Modern Creative" is a channel that is dedicated to helping producers, composers, beat makers, and artists be more efficient as they forge their own unique path in the Music Industry.

Eddie Grey is an Apple Certified T3 Logic Trainer whose work as a composer spans a variety of television, film, large Brands and Fortune 500 projects. His latest credit is as Head Composer for the Kim Kardashian West "Justice Project" documentary. In addition, Head Composer for A&E’s Emmy Award-winning series “Born This Way” and TLC’s “The Healer”. Recorded albums for many publishers, over 600 songs sold, over 6000 tracks placed worldwide.

HF Music Academy is here to support you, the Modern Creative, and provide world class music production training and a step by step system for you to learn about music licensing so you can make money making music. logic pro x tutorial logic pro x tips how to use logic pro x logic pro tutorial


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