Steamed Hams but they only use the 1000 most common words

Описание к видео Steamed Hams but they only use the 1000 most common words

AKA Heated Water Clouded Pink Animal Insides Pieces.
Made with the help of

Well, you, I made it, despite your directions.
Ah, school area leader man, hello! I hope you're prepared for a lunch that you won't be able to forget!
gasp Oh you gods! My food is broken! But what if... I were to buy fast food and pass it off as my own prepared food? Ohohoho, bad in a good way, me!
Man and his crazy reasons, the School Area Leader's going to need his fix, when he hears man's poor not-truths there'll be trouble in town tonight!
School Area Leader, I was just... stretching my lower legs on the side of the window! Training by forcing against a thing! Care to join me?
Why is there smoke coming out of your heating box man?
Uh, Oh, that isn't smoke! It's heated water clouds! Heated water clouds from the heated water clouded eat-able water creatures with hard outsides we're having! Mmm, heated water clouded eat-able water creatures with hard outsides! Whew!
Well School Area Leader, I hope you're ready for some mouth-watering animal insides circles!
I thought we were having heated water clouded eat-able water creatures with hard outsides.
Oh, no, I said heated water clouded pink animal insides pieces! That's what I call animal insides circles.
You call animal insides circles heated water clouded pink animal insides pieces?
Yes! It's a way of speaking usual in a certain area.
Uh huh, really, what area?
Uhh, up-state North-East state with the largest city.
Really? Well I'm from a city in that area and I've never heard anyone use the words heated water clouded pink animal insides pieces.
Oh, no, not in that area, no, it's a way of speaking usual of the state's law-making city.
I see. You know these animal insides circles are quite like the ones they have at the fast food store across the street.
Ohohohoho, no, animal insides circles made by people with my last name and that are ours by law! Old family food-making directions!
For heated water clouded pink animal insides pieces.
Yes, and you call them heated water clouded pink animal insides pieces despite the fact that they're clearly heated on a metal screen.
Uh.... you know.... one thing I should.... allow me for one second.
Of course.
yawn Well, that was full of wonder. Good time was had by all, I'm tired!
Yes, I should be- good god, what is happening in there?
The North Lights.
The North Lights?! At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, made small enough to fit completely within your kitchen.
May I see it?
Son! The house is on fire!
No mother, it's just the North Lights.
Well, you, you are a strange man, but I must say, you make water heated to make a good pink animal insides piece.
Help! Help!


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