Defeats of My Favorite Animated Non-Disney Movie Villains Part 9 (Birthday Special)

Описание к видео Defeats of My Favorite Animated Non-Disney Movie Villains Part 9 (Birthday Special)

Villains Quotes:

"I am Entropy. I am Death. I am... Darkseid." -Darkseid
"Have my dragon ready when I return, or I will destroy everything you love!" -Grimmel the Grisly
"I'm sorry, but I can't let you ridicule my society. Nobody will find out that this Sasquatch every existed, and nobody will say your name ever again!" -Lord Piggot-Dunceby
"This was never your city. It’s mine." -Kingpin
"I'm gonna show you pain that you can't imagine." -Killian
"A god does not prattle with mortals." -Doctor Destiny
"I'm gonna unite the strings and destroy all music... except for rock!" -Queen Barb
"Only the toughest can get out of there alive!" -Rex Dangervest
"Don’t you get it? You’re as broken as they are. But my world... My world will be perfect. No more pain. No more conflict. No more injustice. No humanity." -Ares/Justin Pin
"If only I could. I am Quan Chi in charge of this realm until the Master's return. And who do I have to thank for ruining my rug?" -Quan Chi


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