Building Bridges (Erasmus+ Youth) PROMO video

Описание к видео Building Bridges (Erasmus+ Youth) PROMO video

In our youth exchange "Building Bridges," we created a promotional video that captures the essence of the entire project and the exchange. The project brought together themes of culture, solidarity, and art, giving participants the freedom to express themselves artistically while learning about vulnerable groups in our society. Throughout the project, we built bridges between culture, solidarity, and art.

The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ Youth program and the Slovenian National Agency MOVIT. It took place from July 26th to August 4th, 2024, in Hodoš and Murska Sobota, Slovenia, bringing together young people from seven countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Portugal, Hungary, Estonia, Poland, and Romania). The leading partner of the project is the Društvo kreativne mladine from Murska Sobota.


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