Dr. Nagaswamy Explains How & Why Tamil Culture got Positioned as Anti-Sanskrit.

Описание к видео Dr. Nagaswamy Explains How & Why Tamil Culture got Positioned as Anti-Sanskrit.

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This is part 3 of a 3-part interview with Dr. Nagaswamy.

In this episode, Dr. Nagaswamy blames colonial scholars for creating anti-Sanskrit ideologies.

It was G.U. Pope who started the mischief of breaking India. He confessed his agenda on his death bed. He admits that his goal has been to attack the Tamil culture and use it as a weapon against the people. He proposes the Tirukkural author as Christian and as much later than the reality just to make him fit his agenda.
He claims that Tirukkural is based entirely on the Bible. But the hard fact is that the Tirukkural ideology is incompatible with Bible in very serious ways. G.U. Pope ignores the terms and ideas that he cannot fit into the Bible.

The first part of this interview, “Dr. Nagaswamy Demolishes Dravidianism”, can be viewed here:    • Dr. Nagaswamy Demolishes Dravidianism...  

The second part of this interview, “Dr. Nagaswamy Compares Thirukkural & Dharma Shastra”, can be viewed here:    • Dr. Nagaswamy Compares Thirukkural & ...  

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