Performance testing using locust for beginners | session from Unstract, Zipstack | Play @1.5x

Описание к видео Performance testing using locust for beginners | session from Unstract, Zipstack | Play @1.5x

A session taken at Unstract regarding how to approach performance testing using locust and different aspects that affects the performance.

Github link:

Reference links:
Locust Documentation -
P99 Latency Explained -
Processes vs. Threads -
Docker compose -

PS: `docker compose top` command only shows linux processes and not threads. Which is why on increasing the the thread count it didn't show up in the output. To see this we will need to exec in to the container install top/htop and check manually.

00:00 Introduction
02:52 Example
03:23 Setup explained
08:12 Locust intro
12:50 Baseline test
18:59 Increasing load
23:26 Increasing CPU allocation
28:05 Interpreting CPU from top output
28:45 Effect of gunicorn workers and threads
40:16 Impact of efficient algorithm
28:18 O(n) vs O(n^2)
49:30 Closing thoughts


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