Umnotho waphakade | Dr. Gogo Bathini Mbatha TV | Please ONLY use 035 799 5703 for bookings.

Описание к видео Umnotho waphakade | Dr. Gogo Bathini Mbatha TV | Please ONLY use 035 799 5703 for bookings.

Welcome to Gogo Bathini Mbatha TV, please note that most videos are in IsiZulu. You are welcome to request the video to be done in English.

(Please be very carefull of people who are scaming unsuspecting clients, by pretending to be me. I will NOT ask any for money withouth a proper consultation that is ONLY conducted at home, with me Dr. Gogo Bathini Mbatha)

I basically cover topics that affects everybody in life including:
#General luck
#Job hunting
#Job promotions
#Political positions
#Love life

Consultation is R200.00, them more charges will depend on your problems. Treatments are tailor-made because problems are not the same. please note that I DONT do Telephonic nor Whats App consultation, and I ONLY work from home: Off P230-Mzimela Area, Mkhuphulangwenya Village, Empangeni, Near Ndlangubo Village. For clear directions, please go to the below address, after you have made an appointment.

KwaNjidi Herbals | Ikhemisi Lesintu
12 Union Street, Shop B2
Empangeni CBD, 3880
Opposite Magistrate Court

Bookings: 035 799 5703
Email: [email protected]


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