Understanding RADAR, Radartutorial lesson 1

Описание к видео Understanding RADAR, Radartutorial lesson 1

The video is a complete lesson about RADAR basics. It presents the radar principle, the performance parameters, and the time budget of a pulse radar. In addition, many technical terms of radar jargon are explained.

0:00 Introducton
0:20 Models in nature
2:12 Physical fundamentals
4:00 Monostatic vs. Bistatic Radars
6:05 How to measure distance?
9:03 How to measure direction?
11:04 Performance Standards of RADAR
14:37 Radar Frequency Bands
16:27 Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF)
18:23 Pulse Peak Power
19:51 Maximum Unambiguous Range
22:16 Minimum Range
24:17 Radars Accuracy
25:50 Range Resolution
28:33 Angular Resolution
30:14 The Resolution Cell
32:39 Dwell Time and Hits per Scan
34:26 Time Budget of Pulse Radar


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