Achieve Lab Efficiency with Precise pH Measurement of Viscous Samples

Описание к видео Achieve Lab Efficiency with Precise pH Measurement of Viscous Samples

Discover how METTLER TOLEDO simplifies pH measurement in viscous samples! With the specialized InLab® Viscous Pro-ISM sensor, combined with the advanced SevenExcellence™ meter and the efficient InMotion™ autosampler, you can achieve precise and efficient pH measurements.

Watch our video to follow a step-by-step guide for measuring pH in multiple viscous samples and see our system in action.

The video highlights key features such as automatic sensor calibration, a delay function to prevent contamination, an integrated stirrer, and the PowerShower—all designed to ensure reliable pH measurements in viscous samples every time.

For more information on the pH electrode for the viscous sample, pH meter, and autosampler, click here:

#METTLERTOLEDO #Cosmetic #InLabViscousProISM #Viscoussample #ViscouspH


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