CECC2 - Statics of Rigid Bodies - Sample problem #25 solution

Описание к видео CECC2 - Statics of Rigid Bodies - Sample problem #25 solution

the beam shown
Which of the following most nearly gives the reaction at the left end of the
bar AB in kN.
A. 1.50 B. 2.40
C. 0.125 D. 0.75
Which of the following most nearly gives the reaction at E in kN.
A. 1.50 B. 2.40
C. 0.125 D. 0.75
Which of the following most nearly gives the reaction at the right end of the
bar CED in kN.
A. 1.50 B. 2.40
C. 0.125 D. 0.75


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