Learn Like A Genius - Guitar Practiclass, Louisville, KY with Gregg Goodhart

Описание к видео Learn Like A Genius - Guitar Practiclass, Louisville, KY with Gregg Goodhart

Supercharge your practice in ways you never knew existed. For free! Download my free five day guide (10 minutes a day) and discover how 'talented' you really are. https://www.crackingthetalentcode.us/...

What is it that allows some of us to excel, and others struggle for lesser results? It turns out there are numerous unusual ways in which high efficiency learning works. Exciting research in psychology and neuroscience identify these elements. We can add these to the way we are already teaching and learning to provide continuous accelerated improvement. Very few people figure this out and use it regularly. We call those people talented and gifted, and that is how they got that way, but anyone can do it.

It is a larger model of learning including deliberate practice, neuroplasticity, teaching focus, mindset, self-control, habit pattern development, and many more that are all any learner needs to reach any goal with motivation and enthusiasm in groups or individually.



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