Who talks about Superman for 18 minutes...
Explanation for claim #8:
before you start reading this I recommend you opening this link http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-eGT-OYS6vPE...
it will take you to a page from the comic wich I'm going to be referring to up next, make sure to read that page and then read my explanation (or don't, you can do whatever you want)
the claim states that during his travels across the universe Superman learned new insanely powerful abilities and mastered his own. obviously, that's never stated in the comic; what the comic say is that Superman was going to share with his descendants his powers. powers that he, quote: "gleaned from the very edge of time and space".
first, let break the sentence; "gleaned" is to collect or gather and the "from the very edge of time and space" is an allegory. the narrator (a robot lady named Platinum) is telling to Superman the story of his future self from the moment he left earth to the 853 century, basically she's just being dramatic. the sentence "powers gleaned from the very edge of time and space" is just an elaborate way to explain to us quickly that he acquired new abilities during his travels but they never go into detail as to what abilities he obtained however during the dc one million comic book story we see a Kryptonian called Kal Kent who is from the 853 century and he displays some abilities that are NOT part of being a Kryptonian. for example; he has telepathy, force vision (that he used to freeze a robot in mid air and also to momentarily stop two galaxies from colliding with each other), can generate an electromagnetic pulse, presumably has 5-d vision (i don't know what that means) and he also has super Extrasensory perception (super-ESP) wich he used once during a riot on a prison to calm all the prisoners (he rubbed his hands really fast and that made some electricity that then he used to make rain and he used the drops of water to hypnotised all the prisoners... no joke).
so you might be wondering: why do I mention some of Kal Kent abilities?
well, you see the comic book states that 10 new sensory abilities entered the Superman bloodline when a descendant from Superman prime married the queen of the 5th-dimensional imps but the comic also states that Superman shared his powers with his descendants, powers that he gleaned from the very edge of time and space... do you see the problem?
there are two sources for the non-Kryptonian powers of Kal Kent, the Queen of the 5th-dimensional imps and superman prime... and there's no accurate way to determine who gives Kal Kent what. for example, take a look at his telepathy, does he get telepathy because of superman prime or because of the queen? we don't know because the comic book never directly states what power Kal Kent gets from who.
does Kal Kent has force vision because of superman prime? or because of the queen? you see my point...
you could say "well Kal Kent has force vision, therefore Superman Prime has force vision too" and since the comic never states what powers Kal Kent gets from who, you wouldn't be wrong for saying that. but you could also say "Kal Kent has force vision because of the queen of the 5th-dimensional imps" and you also would be correct on that one.
it can go both ways because the comic never gets specific, basically; it's up to interpretation.
we know for a fact that Superman Prime has new abilities but we don't know what exactly those abilities are.
the following is a list of some of the comics I read to make this video. (I'll just list the relevant ones because to make this video I actually read over 30 comics)
note: I didn't just read a synopsis of all these comics online (because I am not variant comics). no, I actually took the time to read every single one of them... some even twice.
dc one million issues #1 to #4 (there's only 4)
Action Comics issue #1,000,000
Superman issue #1,000,000
JLA issue #1,000,000
martian manhunter issue #1,000,000
Resurrection Man issue #1,000,000
Superman: The Man of Steel issue #1,000,000
adventures of Superman issue #1,000,000
Superman: The Man of Tomorrow issue #1,000,000
Green Lantern issue #1,000,000
dc one million 80 page giant
superman all-star issues #1 to #12 (there's 12)
Final Crisis – Superman Beyond issue #1
Final Crisis – Superman Beyond issue #2
Superman Annual Vol 1 10 "The Day the Cheering Stopped!"
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