Paskha For Russian Orthodox Easter/Творожная Царская Пасха, Заварная

Описание к видео Paskha For Russian Orthodox Easter/Творожная Царская Пасха, Заварная

Pasha is a festive dish made in Eastern Orthodox countries Russia,Ukraine etc.
It is only made for Easter.
You will need:
500g of farmer cheese(tvorog)
100g(1/2 cup) of sugar
100g of soften butter
100g(1/2 cup) of heavy cream
3 egg yolks
Some dried fruit(pineapple,papaya,raisins etc.)You will need 1/2 cup of it, cut into small pieces.
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
Optional: 1 teaspoon of dry lemon peel or zest of 1 lemon

Mix: farmer cheese, butter, sugar and egg yolks with electric mixer just to combine.
Transfer into a sauce pan and heat up until first boiling bubbles( do not boil)
Remove from the heat and set your pan on top of the ice bath to cool mixture quickly.
Use hand blender to reach smoother consistency .

Add vanilla and lemon zest.
Add dried fruit.

Chill in the fridge for 2 hours or put in freeze for 10 minutes.

Your Paskha will be much thicker after refrigeration.

Whip heavy cream to stiff peaks and combine with Paskha.
Line Paskha mold(see below) with two layers of wet cheese cloth and load your Paskha to the rim of the mold.
Put it in a bowl.
Put press on top. In my case it was hamburger press, but you can use a jar filled with water.
Refrigerate your Paskha overnight.
Next day: remove from mold, put on nice platter and decorate any way you like.

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Paskha mold:


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