What are the different types of lenses for Cataract? - Dr. Sirish Nelivigi

Описание к видео What are the different types of lenses for Cataract? - Dr. Sirish Nelivigi

There are a huge variety of lenses which are available for cataract surgery. The more basic ones are called as the rigid lenses. These rigid lenses do not change their shape or size and they are no flexible and to put them inside the eye, we need to make a really large opening, on the other hand we have foldable lenses. The foldable lenses fold onto themselves and a lens of something about 13 mm can be rolled it to a tube of about 2.5 mm and can be put inside the eye. Once it enters the eye, it will unfold by itself. In the foldable variety of lenses, again the categorization can happen based on the material that goes into the making of the intraocular lenses. We do have silicon lenses and acrylic lenses. Acrylic lenses are the lenses which are used most commonly nowadays We have something called as the monofocal lenses and the multifocal lenses. Monfocal lenses are meant to be used when you need to focus on the distant objects. But when it comes to the near, the near glass has to be worn. Multifocal lenses take care of this problem. Multifocal lenses give you focus both for far as well as near. So there are have variety of lenses which are valuable. So the selection will not only have to be done based on the costing but also based on the doctor’s recommendation as per the requirement of each individual.


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