I Made a Wooden Surfboard

Описание к видео I Made a Wooden Surfboard

I made a wooden surfboard a while ago, as well as this video. Took me about 6 months, on and off, to make this thing and a learnt a lot, having never done anything like this before. Having access to space and equipment at work was handy but there's nothing here that a person needs to do that couldn't be done at home. I did crazy things like make my own leg rope plug and so on - as if the job wasn't big enough. I used a marine ply frame, cedar cladding & fin and I developed a strong understanding of epoxy which I had never used before and ended up using for all my adhesion as well glassing. The addition of thickeners makes it endlessly versatile and user friendly. I watched a million YouTube videos and made the rest up as I went along. I also crashed my Mt Bike half way through the process - just in case you wonder what happened to my face. The board's pretty light and surfs really well - despite the rubbish footage at the end - I'm more of a short rather than long boarder! Extremely satisfying to finish and ride at my local break.

DISCLAIMER- I do not own any audio used in this video and is used for entertainment purposes only.


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