NeeQ - Unsigned Hype (Official Clip)

Описание к видео NeeQ - Unsigned Hype (Official Clip)

Artist: NeeQ
Title: Unsigned Hype
Written & Produced by NeeQ
Mastered by James Hollands
Holla Back Entertainment/OneMusiQ Recordings 2012

Unsigned Hype is about that person who is not meant to make it, but because of them putting in the work and time, they achieve success. It's about being an underdog and not taking defeat as an option. Its like that old saying that no matter what you are attempting in life, if you work hard at it, you will succeed.

The video clip is about the same underdog story. But, no one archives greatness on there own. As the video progresses, the addition of people to the clip symbolizes peices of information, supporters and team members that a single person picks up along the way to the realization of One dream.

ARTIST: NeeQ @1NeeQ1
MANAGER: @HenrySkillz
Director - Oli Sansom - @Olisansom
Editor - Jarvis Hunder
Production Manager - Michelle Grace Hunder @MichelleGHunder
Camera Assistant - David Dixon and Max Rawicz


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