pit stop: the role of faith & trust in overcoming challenges

Описание к видео pit stop: the role of faith & trust in overcoming challenges

In this pit stop episode, I take a moment to reflect on the whirlwind of change and growth in my life over the past few months. From putting in my two weeks at work to being accepted into grad school and taking the leap into video podcasting—there's so much to unpack. I dive into personal realizations about setting boundaries, overcoming imposter syndrome, and the importance of documenting your journey.

Whether you're navigating big life transitions, balancing passion projects with career goals, or just figuring things out along the way, this episode is for you. I hope you're inspired to embrace the uncertainty, trust the process, and take bold steps toward your dreams.

Let this Pit Stop remind you to check in with yourself, take note of your progress, and celebrate how far you've come.

Stay tuned this Thursday for the launch of my series trailer! RSVP here to watch live, 7-9pm est

#CareerChange #LifeUpdate #NewBeginnings #GradSchoolJourney #PersonalGrowth #SelfReflection #FaithAndGrowth #PodcastEpisode #CreativeJourney #ImposterSyndrome #TakingRisks #TrustTheProcess #BoundariesMatter #ContentCreatorLife


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