Living for Art, the future of copyright | DAVID NIMMER | TEDxRoma

Описание к видео Living for Art, the future of copyright | DAVID NIMMER | TEDxRoma

In the world of the future many of today's professions may no longer exist. In-deed, the very concept of work may become superfluous.But in a world where art is lived, intangible ideas and creations, what value has intellectual property? Is it right to protect copyright or should it be created for the pure taste of sharing? David Nimmer, one of the world's most regarded copyright expert, sheds light on the matter from examples of the past, to imagine its consequences in the not too distant future.

David Nimmer , Professore alla UCLA School of Law e Distinguished Scholar presso il Centro di Berkeley per il Diritto e la Tecnologia, è uno dei più noti esperti al mondo nel settore del copyright e continua ad editare l’opera di rife-rimento per tutto il settore a livello americano e mondiale, il celebre trattato “Nimmer on copyright”.
David Nimmer, professor at the UCLA School of Law and Distinguished Scholar at the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology, is one of the best known experts in the world in the copyright industry and continues to edit the work of reference for the whole sector for both America and worldwide, the famous "Nimmer on copyright".

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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