How I Paint Things - Speed Painting Skaven Clanrats (Super Easy!)

Описание к видео How I Paint Things - Speed Painting Skaven Clanrats (Super Easy!)

The Skaven are a race of ratmen without counting, gnawing away at the very roots of reality and chewing at the gaps between realms. An endless tide of furry bodies, gnashing teeth and crude weapons, they are a primal force to be reckoned with, burying their enemies under swarms of Clanrats. READ MORE:

Painting a whole Skaven army can seem pretty daunting, but it doesn't need to be! There's plenty of places you can cut corners and get a pretty decent result on the table without worrying about highlighting every strand of fur, and for those that have enjoyed the speed painting and simple techniques in some of the other 'quick' videos so far, here's how I tackle the Skaven. Remember that you can swap colours as necessary to fit your own clan allegiance - green, brown, purple or even putrid yellow all work perfectly well with these same techniques.

I'll give you a clue: Agrax Earthshade may very well feature heavily in these...

If you do decide to stick to Citadel paints, then after using Bugman's Glow as the base colour for your Skaven's skin but before the Agrax Earthshade, just go over with a coat of Cadian Fleshtone and all will be well. :D

How I Paint Things is a series of simple instructional videos designed to help the newcomer through some of the basics and demonstrate how the very simplest techniques can still give you some great results that're easily replicated. Aimed at the beginner to painting miniatures, there might be one or two tips or tricks that help even you old hands!

Remember you can follow/reach me at the following places:
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  / sonicsledge  

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  / sonicsledgehammer


Mephiston Red
Steel Legion Drab
Rakarth Flesh
Balthazar Gold

Evil Sunz Scarlet
Ushabti Bone
Liberator Gold
Kislev Flesh

Agrax Earthshade
Sylvaneth Bark

Beige Red 804


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