Set in 2023, three years after the events of the first Crysis, the game begins with news footage of a large outbreak of the "Manhattan" virus, a gruesome disease that causes complete cellular breakdown, and panic about an alien invasion by the Ceph, the tentacled, squid-like alien race behind the incident of Crysis. Due to the breakdown in social order within New York City, Manhattan is placed under Martial Law, and under contract from the US Department of Defense, soldiers from C.E.L.L., a private military company run by the Crynet corporation, police the chaos.
A United States Marine Corps Force Recon unit is deployed to New York City by submarine to extract former Crynet employee Doctor Nathan Gould, who may have vital information on combating the alien race. However, insertion goes awry, with the Cephaloids destroying the sub, and Force Recon Marine "Alcatraz" being left as the only apparent survivor.
Alcatraz, a member of the US Marines, awakes on board a submarine in the Hudson River heading towards New York City. The Marines start talking about their version of what exactly is happening on the ground, when the sub is suddenly struck by an unknown force. After struggling to escape the sinking vessel, the Marines finally swim to the surface. Suddenly, an alien gunship emerges from the water a few meters away and proceeds to kill all Marines within view. Before the Ceph Gunship can kill Alcatraz, a stranger wearing a Nanosuit appears and destroys it. Alcatraz then loses consciousness while the man tells him: "Destiny is a bitch. It'll be on you now, son.
Alcatraz wakes up in a dockhouse, wearing the Nanosuit 2 and finds the man who saved him earlier is now dead. He then proceeds to take the man's pistol, but suddenly has a flashback in which he sees the man, Prophet, who tells him that he is contaminated with the aliens' virus. He then tells Alcatraz that he must break the symbiosis with the suit in order to give Alcatraz control over it, and proceeds to shoot himself in the head. Alcatraz then goes to the exit where he learns about some of the capabilities of the Nanosuit, like power jumping and fast sprinting.
When he exits the dockhouse the Nanosuit activates a new mode - The Tactical Visor. Here, he witnesses C.E.L.L. troops executing unarmed Marines. He gains some ammo for the pistol and moments later, after killing the two C.E.L.L. troops, his "first" assault rifle - The SCARAB. Fighting his way outside he receives messages from a scientist named Nathan Gould, who is mistaking Alcatraz for the man who was previously using the suit, Prophet. Gould instructs Alcatraz on where to find him, but the latter is repeatedly attacked by armed members of a private military force named C.E.L.L., who have a grudge against Prophet. Alcatraz makes his way around the area, where the Nanosuit activates another ability: Stealth Mode.
Proceeding to a heavily guarded C.E.L.L. checkpoint, Alcatraz makes his way through and enters the now devastated Manhattan. After little walk in the Manhattan area, he encounters a small C.E.L.L. patrol in an alley, where he is instructed on the Nanosuit's Armor Mode. After dispatching the troops, he acquires M17 Frag Grenades on the roof of a coffee bar and starts bombarding more C.E.L.L. troops on the street below. After clearing the area, he goes into a subway, where he is instructed to use Nanovision. The subway turns out to be infested with Ceph Ticks, and Gould suggests Alcatraz exit and find another route. After ascending from the subway, the level concludes
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