Learn The Planets in Our Solar System / English American Pronunciation US / Easy Learning English

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In this video we'll learn the 8 planets in our solar system, yes it's only 8 planets not 9 , Pluto is no longer consider a Primary planet.

Primary planets are those which are orbiting the Sun and hold all the above-mentioned criteria.
Primary planets are further classified into terrestrial, gas giants, and ice giants.
The giant primary planets are massive, usually larger than terrestrial planets and composed of gases and low-boiling point substances.

a) Terrestrial planets
These planets are also referred to as ‘telluric planets’ or ‘rocky planets’ as they are composed of rocks and metals. They consist of a metallic core, primarily iron with a rocky crust. Craters, canyons, volcanoes, and mountains can also be found on these planets. The word ‘terrestrial’ comes from the Latin word ‘terra’, referring to ‘land’.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars; Kepler-10b, a terrestrial exoplanet orbiting Kepler-10

b) Gas Giants
These giant planets are composed of gases, primarily hydrogen and helium, with a small rocky core. According to researchers, the gas giants formed as rocky and icy planets similar to the terrestrial planets. However, their bigger cores allowed them to extract hydrogen and helium out of the gaseous nebula from which the sun formed.
Jupiter, Saturn, and a group of gas giant exoplanet referred to as ‘Hot Jupiter’

c) Ice Giants
They are the giant planets composed mostly of heavier gases like carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur, unlike gas giants that are composed of hydrogen and helium. Earlier, these planets were in the gas giant category, later to be re-categorized as ice giants once their distinct composition was established. The term ‘ice giant’ has derived from the fact that their constituent compounds were in the form of ice or trapped in ice during their formation. In astrophysics, ‘Ice’ actually refers to elements that have freezing points above about 100 K (-280 °F), such as methane, ammonia, and water. Presently, water is believed to exist as supercritical fluid in those planets.
Uranus and Neptune

In this video we will learn together the names of this 8 planets.


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