Santikaram Sutra with Raag and Lyrics | Jain Stotra | Mansi Doshi |

Описание к видео Santikaram Sutra with Raag and Lyrics | Jain Stotra | Mansi Doshi |

Santikaram lyrical video by Mansi Doshi
Music and Video by Manav Doshi
Special Thanks to Jayana Jignesh Shah(Guru)
For such videos and audios contact +919910058968

✿ Sri Santikaram Yantra ✿
The Santikaram Stotra - This Smarana is composed by Munisunder-Soori, a disciple of Somsundar-Soori of the Tapägaccha sect of Shvetämbara Jains. According to the Pratikraman Sootra, the Stotra was composed to eradicate the plague in the town of Devkulpatak in the Mewär area of Räjasthän. The reverend Soori sprinkled holy water around the affected area and it is said that the plague was eradicated. It is further said that by reciting the thirteen verses of this stotra, one can eradicate the fear of all ghosts, bad spirits and bad omens. One should, after purifying himself with water, recite this stotra three or seven times during the time of illness. This Stotra is nowadays recited regularly after the ritual of Pratikraman. If one cannot recite this, he is advised to just listen to it when someone else is reciting.

Santikaram santijinam, jagasaranam jaya-sirii däyäram.
Samarämi bhattapälaga-nivväni-garuda-kayasevam…….1.
Explanation: (1) I bow down to Shäntinätha who gives peace, who is the refuge of all the beings in the world, who gives victory and wealth and who has been worshipped by the goddess Nirvani and the yaksha Garuda.

OM sanamo vipposahi-pattänam santi-sämi-päyänam.
Jhraum svähä-mantenam, savväsiva-duria-haranänam……..2.
: (2) I bow down at the feet of Shäntinätha with the sound of Aum, who (Shäntinätha) has achieved the Viprud- cure (medicine) and who destroys all obstacles and sins by the mantra ‘Zruam Swähä’.

OM santi-namukkäro, khelosahi-mäi-laddhi-pattänam.
Saum hrim namo savvo-sahi-pattänam ca dei sirim………3
(3) Those who have obtained cures (achieved special magical powers )for colds and coughs may even obtain higher achievements (like more wealth and knowledge) by bowing down to Shäntinätha with the Aumkara mantra. In addition, those who have obtained cures/medicines for every ailment may obtain higher achievements by bowing down to Shäntinätha with the Saum Hrim Mantra.

Väni tihuana-sämini, siridevi jakkharäya ganipidagä.
Gaha-disipäla-surindä, sayä vi rakkhantu jina-bhatte…..4
(4) May the goddess of knowledge, goddess Tribhuvanswämini, goddess Lakshmi, leader of the yakshas, Ganipitaka, planets – sun, etc., protectors of all the directions and Indras always protect the devotees of Jineshvaras.

Rakkhantu mama rohini, pannatti vajja-sinkhalä ya sayä.
Vajjankusi cakkesari,naradattä käli mahäkäli……..5
Gori taha gandhäri, mahajälä-mänavi a vairuttä.
Acchuttä mänasiä, mahä-mänasiä u devio………6
(5 and 6) May these sixteen goddesses protect me. They are: Rohini, Pragnapti, Vajrashrunkhlä, Vajränkushi, Apratichakrä, Purushdattä, Käli, Mahäkäli, Gauri, Gändhäri, Sarvashrä Mahajvälä, Mänavi, Vairotyä, Achhuptä, Mänasi, Mahämänasi,

Jakkhä gomuha-mahajakkha, timuha-jakkhesa tumbaru kusumo.
Mäyanga-vijaya-ajiyä, bambho manuo surakumäro..7

Chammuha payäla kinnara, garulo gandhavva taha ya jakkhindo.
Kubara varuno bhiudi, gomeho päsa-mäyangä..8
(7 and 8) May the following yakshas protect me: Gomukh, Mahayaksha, Trimukh, Yakshesh, Tumbru, Kusum, Mätang, Vijay, Ajit, Brahmä, Manuj, Surkumär, Shanmukh, Pätal, Kinnar, Garuda, Gändharva, Yakshendra, Kuber, Varun, Bhrukuti, Gomedh, Pärshva, and Mätang.
Devio cakkesari, ajiä duriäri käli mahäkäli.

Accua santä jälä, sutärayä-soa sirivacchä……9
Candä vijayankusi pannaitti nivväni accuä dharani.
Vairutta-cchutta-gandhäri, amba paumävai siddhä…….10
(9 and10 ) May the following Säshan-devi goddesses (yakshinis) protect me: Chakreshvari, Ajitä, Duritäri, Käli, Mahäkäli, Achyutä, Shantä, Jwalä, Sutarkä, Ashokä, Shrivatsä, Chandä, Vijyä, Ankushä, Pannagä, Nirvani, Achyutä, Dhärini, Vairotyä, Achhuptä, Gändhäri, Ambä, Padmävati, and Siddhä.

Ia tittha-rakkhana-rayä, annevi suräsuri ya cauhä vi.
Vantara-joini-pamuhä, kunantu rakkham sayä amham.11
(11) This way protectors of the tirtha and others like yakshas/ yakshinis, and demigods like vyantaras, yoginis may protect us.

Evam suditthi-suragana-sahio sanghassa santi jinacando.
Majjha vi kareu rakkham, munisundara-suri-thua-mahimä…12
(12) This way Munisundar (the poet) has praised Shäntinätha who is in the group of all devas with right faith. May Lord Shäntinätha protect me and the Jain community.

Ia santinäha-samma-ditthi-rakkham sarai tikälam jo.
Savvovaddava-rahio, sa lahai suha sampayam paramam…….13
(13) Whosoever, with right faith, worships Shäntinätha during all three periods (morning, afternoon, evening), frees himself from all obstacles and receives the best of happiness and prosperity.

Tavagaccha gayana-dinayara-jugavara-siri-somasundara-gurunam.
Supasäya-laddha-ganahara-vijjä-siddhi bhanai siso…….14
(14) Munisundar-Soori has composed this Stavana, who is the disciple of Somsundar Guru- the Guru who is like a sun in the sky of the Tappa-gaccha sect, who has mastered the scholarly knowledge (of the ganadhar-Vidyä.)


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