Quick Lick #3: Alternate Picking Shred Run - Jon Bjork Guitar

Описание к видео Quick Lick #3: Alternate Picking Shred Run - Jon Bjork Guitar

Grab the tabs for free here:

Are you busy and frustrated with your lack of progress?

I initially created these workouts for myself, to begin with. When I realized how powerful this concept was I started giving them to my private Skype students.

These workouts will solve the biggest problem we all have as guitarists. We don't have the time to practice.

That excuse won't fly anymore when you have access to very specific and time-bound exercises that'll improve your technique AND your fretboard knowledge at the same time.

I don't care how busy you are, everyone has 10 minutes in their day to practice. With these workouts, you're ensuring that you spend that time as well as possible.

I always say to my students, the less time you have the better organized you need to be.

In today's busy world we all have less time than optimal but that doesn't have to mean that you can't improve steadily day by day and reach your goals.

I'm 100% sure these workouts will enable you to progress faster and in less time if done as prescribed:


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