The Sad Reason You Don’t See Dirk Benedict Anymore

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▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:23 - Dirk Benedict's Real Name
02:17 - Dirk Benedict's Tragic Diagnosis
04:00 - Dirk Benedict Bounces Back
05:38 - Why You Don't See Dirk Benedict Anymore
08:00 - Outro

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Do you ever wonder what happened to Dirk Benedict? The popular star of such fan favorites as Battlestar Gallactica, Charlie's Angels, The A Team, and Sssssss seems to have disappeared from the limelight.

For Dirk, things took a turn for the worse in 1974, when at only 29, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Benedict rejected traditional treatments, choosing instead to fight cancer by moving to a secluded cottage and adopting a macrobiotic diet, consisting only of white-meat fish, whole grains, and certain vegetables. It affected his appearance drastically. When he went to visit his mother and sister during this time, both of them were scared for him because of his appearance. Dirk's efforts, however, proved successful, and after several years fighting his illness, he finally put weight back on, and he was ready to get back out there. He got a clean bill of health from his doctor, Dr. Block, and he was told he didn't have the tumor anymore.

So was it cancer that derailed his career? Possibly. There is also some speculation his career went downhill because Hollywood can't stand an original thinker. Dirk felt like Hollywood ostracized him because of his different way of thinking. Dirk even said, "To be creative is a risk, with the possibility of failure. This makes Hollywood nervous." Dirk commented that anytime he would talk about things like character, story, and originality, people wanted to throw him out of the room. Dirk even confesses that while he wanted to act, he didn't necessarily want to be a movie star.

The real reason though, might have something to do with fatherhood. As The A-Team was winding down, in 1986, Dirk Benedict met and married Toni Hudson. They had two sons together: George and Roland. Dirk is an outstanding and caring father. He describes himself as "Mr. Mom." By the time his sons were in their teens, Dirk was basically raising them as a single father following Toni and his divorce in 1995.

So while Dirk's career might not be as thriving as it once was, it might be for a few very good reasons including his health, his disdain for Hollywood's lack of originality, and his dedication to being a father.

The Sad Reason You Don’t See Dirk Benedict Anymore


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