PRUSA MMU3 - A Robot That Changes Filament. An In Depth Look At How It Works.

Описание к видео PRUSA MMU3 - A Robot That Changes Filament. An In Depth Look At How It Works.

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Check out the Prusa MMU3:
Prusa XL:
General Link to Prusa:

Today we take a look at PRUSA's MMU3 which has just been released for the MK4 printer (it's been out a while for the MK3s but there's some changes for the MK4). Let's see how good it is!

Links to models used:

Fair Warning: As always with large brands I'm expecting some obnoxious comments from some of you who seem to think 3d printer brand tribalism is somehow worth your mental energy. Nobody wants to hear it, and you'll be banned from commenting / strict auto moderation is on, so keep it civil and polite if you want your comment to post :)

If you're interested - I bought the MMU3 myself without Prusa's involvement or any discussion with them aside from casual mention, but they did provide the MK4 previously to me at no cost. They are not sponsoring this video.


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