
Описание к видео #Novation

For soundbank purchase message me through mail:
[email protected]
Price is 15 euros for 128 preset soundbank

Or Myloops web shop: https://www.myloops.net/product/novat...

  / mininova-trance  

Soundbank of 128 sounds for quite affordable Novation MiniNova synthesizer.
It shares same synth engine with it's bigger brother Ultranova.
I have also included 19 Ableton templates and Bonus Presets for free.
Load syx file through Novation MiniNova Librarian on empty bank C.
Before you load template it is highly recommended to load preset from Synth first than open template.
Most of the sounds are assigned to moodwheel for filter frequency and some sfx modulations.
The sounds you hear in mp3 demo are from Novation MiniNova engine only and there were no any external effects used.
NOTE: Melodies are made for eductional purposes only.
Best regards and i hope you will enjoy it as much as i did when i was making it!
Dario aka TechTrek!


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