Cwmcarn Downhill Y Mynydd - ALL FULL Runs - Downhill Day - 7 Oct 18

Описание к видео Cwmcarn Downhill Y Mynydd - ALL FULL Runs - Downhill Day - 7 Oct 18

Trail Times if you want to Skip Ahead:

Full top to bottom Red 0:55
Root Canal line 6:15
Twrch final descent 7:00
Full top to bottom Black 9:35

Oh - and the click-bait crash is at about 5:30

One of our last downhill outings this year, probably only a couple more left in us. Back to where it all started for a few of us - Cwmcarn. Can't really say it;s a Bike Park - just an out and out gnarly DH track from top to bottom, with a red and black and not much more needed. (Although we liked the jump line that they put in last year - that gave it an extra dimension too!) And glorious sunny weather, shame about the fires a couple of months ago, but everything seems to be bouncing back, as nature tends to do!

This was the first downhill venue I rode, I did it on a hard tail with my son, Mark and Josh. We lifted our bikes down the Road Gap then, and still could hardly ride down!! I have no idea how I managed that, and I think it must have put me off at the time, cos it took me three or four years after that to get into this malarky properly!

Oh and of course the ever reliable Darrell giving the usual excellent service and witty banter on the uplift ;-) Although there was an air of "Myst"ery to the day ????!!!! Say no more..


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