My Son's Journey to Overcoming 'Incurable' Urticaria Naturally | Parul Ojha's Inspiring Story

Описание к видео My Son's Journey to Overcoming 'Incurable' Urticaria Naturally | Parul Ojha's Inspiring Story

Avi was 7 years old when he was diagnosed with urticaria, an incurable skin allergy. His parents were struggling to identify foods that triggered the allergy. Avoiding these food plus lifelong medication seemed to be the only way out. They consulted The Health Awareness Centre, Mumbai (THAC) and learned to live a life close to nature. Ever since, there have been no tests, no medicines, no clinical visits & no food tracking. They discovered what it meant to live a full life. Here is Avi’s story.

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Understanding health from the lens of nature simplified our daily choices. We had experienced the magic of our bodies healing when we made those choices. We came across many people who had made similar changes and overcame severe health challenges. So, came the question, if health is natural and straightforward, why is this knowledge not more commonplace? Why don’t we know about others? Why don’t we have a place to interact, learn, and share our experiences about natural health? This is how the idea of Wellcure was born.

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