🖐secret Chinese triks to quick negative disconnect switch - &&& blend door actuators(12-13 impala)..

Описание к видео 🖐secret Chinese triks to quick negative disconnect switch - &&& blend door actuators(12-13 impala)..

does not ‘tItL?’ mEn discription? bonus Yning below

btw, that switch foold me yet again.. 25th time?

more & mOr snafUs kEp poPng up - heres Nothr 1 of infinity..

wat is it, it's watever U wer mumbling about that bolt for the ring Yr attachrs B-ing sketchy.. it occurd to me, that IF bolt is 2 small 4 hOl, &&& attached 2 thig B-ing round, &&& lock washers on both sides, &&&&& ring wire attaches B-ing to big for bolt? - each 1 mitig8s connection area & strength by like a 1/2.. like 50 amps, to 25,12,7,3ish, 1.5ish again.. in other wrds, a 25th(yS 'ish').. guud grEEf

wat it trNd oOt 2 B in my case, was this gizmo - could & did again with various others strong opinions, lure me in2 atMpTing switchng stRter(I alreD had 1 in trunk from years ago) so, without proper tools, in midL of fireworks, I did it & ofcOrse it didNt stNkN wrk..
.. what it Nded up being, was the connections to switch were shabby in these type ways, to put it nicely. in my case, to this switch, bolt was to small causing only 10% contact to surrounding threads, & ring washers being quite bigger, again only 10% contact, & a small washer beneath flat rings to rest on this switch, causing that resting contact area to be deminyshed down to 10%.. add all those snafUs up & it’s like 10% contact.. & just for timings sake, all that COUPLED ofcourse, with corrosion on incoming negative starter wire, bringing that 10% down to a nice round 1-2%(ish).. 2 the point where if you turn key to start car, your LUCKY if nothing watsoever happens😔. -& so all this? EVEN WITH-IN HAVNG LEARNED HOW SWITCH CAN ACTUALLY WORK?(as in, within this video?).. I guess means in the end, we must be enjoyable, eazy, & mindful as the grasshopper all the way through this set-up..(even though all the stuff in these few paragraphs, are stuff ya gotta watch out for w/whatever connector, etc.).. but still after that, THEN there’s the optian to combine all that with this clevr chinese switch.. - Ur choices grass hopers.
basically in short - SINCE all these newly described cunundrums/cautions are in some direct, &/or indirect way, connected to this connector(not pun int.), 1 way to sum it all up Ppl, is… WLCOOM TO SECRT CHINESE TRICK NEG. DISCONECT SWITCH-HLL!😃


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