How to file Income Tax Return for pensioner AY 21-22 | ITR for pension & Interest from deposits

Описание к видео How to file Income Tax Return for pensioner AY 21-22 | ITR for pension & Interest from deposits

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#HowtofileIncomeTaxReturnforpensioner #HowtofileIncomeTaxReturnforpensionerAY 2021-22 #ITRforpensionandInterestfromdeposits

Online itr 1 available on new e filing portal.

Pension income and Other source income may be shown in itr 1.

Itr filing ay 2021-22 for pensioner and senior citizen is explained in hindi.

Interest from deposits like fd,rd,senior citizen saving scheme,kvp etc can be shown in Income tax return as Income from other source.

Most of the senior citizen gets income from pension or Interest from deposits.

Income tax return for senior citizen is explained.

Deductions available for senior citizen.

Topic covered in this video:
Income tax return,
Income tax return for pensioner
Income tax return for pensioner on new e filing portal,
How to file Income tax return ay 2021-22
Itr 1 for pensioner,
Family pension in itr,
Online itr filing
Lump sum pension in itr
Itr for pension and other source,
Interest from fd rd in itr,
Itr for senior citizen
how to file income tax return for pensioners in india,
Income tax,new income tax portal
new e filing portal,online itr 2021-22,
how to file itr for pensioner
commuted pension in itr,
80g pm cares fund
itr 1 filing 2021-22,
itr 2021-22
itr 1 kaise bhare
and many other topics are covered in this video.

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