Revision of All activities of Chapter 3| Metals and Non Metals| Class 10 Science CBSE

Описание к видео Revision of All activities of Chapter 3| Metals and Non Metals| Class 10 Science CBSE

worksheet of all the activities of Chapter 3 Metals and Non metals


Activity 3.1
Take samples of iron, copper, aluminium and magnesium. Note
the appearance of each sample.
Clean the surface of each sample by rubbing them with sand paper
and note their appearance again.
Metals, in their pure state, have a shining surface. This property is
called metallic lustre.

Activity 3.2
Take small pieces of iron, copper, aluminium, and magnesium.
Try to cut these metals with a sharp knife and note your
Hold a piece of sodium metal with a pair of tongs.
CAUTION: Always handle sodium metal with care. Dry it by
pressing between the folds of a filter paper.
Put it on a watch-glass and try to cut it with a knife.
What do you observe?

Activity 3.3
Take pieces of iron, zinc, lead and copper.
Place any one metal on a block of iron and strike it four or five
times with a hammer. What do you observe?
Repeat with other metals.
Record the change in the shape of these metals.

Activity 3.4
Consider some metals such as iron, copper, aluminium, lead, etc.
Which of the above metals are also available in the form of wires?

Activity 3.5
Take an aluminium or copper
wire. Clamp this wire on a
stand, as shown in Fig. 3.1.
Fix a pin to the free end of the
wire using wax.
Heat the wire with a spirit lamp,
candle or a burner near the
place where it is clamped.
What do you observe after some
Note your observations. Does
the metal wire melt?

Activity 3.8
Take a magnesium ribbon and some sulphur powder.
Burn the magnesium ribbon. Collect the ashes formed and dissolve
them in water.
Test the resultant solution with both red and blue litmus paper.
Is the product formed on burning magnesium acidic or basic?
Now burn sulphur powder. Place a test tube over the burning
sulphur to collect the fumes produced.
Add some water to the above test tube and shake.
Test this solution with blue and red litmus paper.
Is the product formed on burning sulphur acidic or basic?
Can you write equations for these reactions?

Activity 3.9

Hold any of the samples taken above with a pair of tongs and try
burning over a flame. Repeat with the other metal samples.
Collect the product if formed.
Let the products and the metal surface cool down.
Which metals burn easily?
What flame colour did you observe when the metal burnt?
How does the metal surface appear after burning?
Arrange the metals in the decreasing order of their reactivity
towards oxygen.
Are the products soluble in water?

Activity 3.10
Collect the samples of the same metals as in Activity 3.9.
Put small pieces of the samples separately in beakers half-filled
with cold water.
Which metals reacted with cold water? Arrange them in the
increasing order of their reactivity with cold water.
Did any metal produce fire on water?
Does any metal start floating after some time?
Put the metals that did not react with cold water in beakers
half-filled with hot water.
For the metals that did not react with hot water, arrange the
apparatus as shown in Fig. 3.3 and observe their reaction with steam.
Which metals did not react even with steam?
Arrange the metals in the decreasing order of reactivity with water.

Activity 3.11
Collect all the metal samples except sodium and potassium again.
If the samples are tarnished, rub them clean with sand paper.
Put the samples separately in test tubes containing dilute
hydrochloric acid.
Suspend thermometers in the test tubes, so that their bulbs are
dipped in the acid.
Observe the rate of formation of bubbles carefully.
Which metals reacted vigorously with dilute hydrochloric acid?
With which metal did you record the highest temperature?
Arrange the metals in the decreasing order of reactivity with dilute

Activity 3.12
Take a clean wire of copper and an iron nail.
Put the copper wire in a solution of iron sulphate and the iron
nail in a solution of copper sulphate taken in test tubes (Fig. 3.4).
Record your observations after 20 minutes.
In which test tube did you find that a reaction has occurred?
On what basis can you say that a reaction has actually taken

Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction that has taken
Name the type of reaction.

Activity 3.13
Take samples of sodium chloride, potassium iodide, barium
chloride or any other salt from the science laboratory.
What is the physical state of these salts?
Take a small amount of a sample on a metal spatula and
heat directly on the flame (Fig. 3.7). Repeat with other samples.
What did you observe?


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