Kuksa Carving, Wooden Cup Making, Guksi, Korean cherry, 쿡사 만들기, 그린우드카빙, 부시크래프트

Описание к видео Kuksa Carving, Wooden Cup Making, Guksi, Korean cherry, 쿡사 만들기, 그린우드카빙, 부시크래프트

Making Kuksa from Korean wild cherry wood.
Blog Post about this movie - https://blog.naver.com/tourinside/221...
Etsy - http://www.etsy.com/shop/MullehStudio
KR store - http://www.mullehstudio.kr

The sections in this video:

00:00 A day for Kuksa making
00:30 Blank making by axing
02:45 Drawing the shape
04:00 Clamp blank with wooden edge, mallet
04:55 Start chopping out the hollow with straight gouge
10:35 Chopping out the hollow wiht bent gouge
13:50 Sawing the handle cut
15:00 Axing out the outline
23:55 Finish the bottom for the kuksa with a scorp
25:00 Shave a smooth and refine the handle
34:10 Finishing touch

Hand Tools
Axe: Svante Djarv little viking axe
Saw: Silky Pocketboy
Gouge: Pfeil, Hans Karlsson
Sloyd Knife: Reid Schwartz
Hook knife: Reid Schwartz, Covercraft
No Bandsaw & Sandpaper

& Inspiration by SpoonClub UK

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한국산 벚나무로 깎은 캠핑・부시크래프트 아이템, 쿡사 메이킹 영상입니다.
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