Concinant linguae, Chiara Maria Cozzolani | TENET Vocal Artists

Описание к видео Concinant linguae, Chiara Maria Cozzolani | TENET Vocal Artists

Concinant linguae, Chiara Maria Cozzolani (1602-c.1676)

TENET Vocal Artists
Sara Couden, alto
Jeffrey Grossman, chamber organ
Hank Heijink, theorbo

Behind Convent Walls: January 4, 2019
Kirkland Chapel at the Fifth Ave Presbyterian Church

Concinat linguae verbum bonum verbum melleum, verbum lacteum: jubilent corda. Stillent labia dulcedinem amoris divini, et gaudio cuncta exiliant tanto irradiata Maria splendore.
Frondeant arbores, floreant lilia, rubeant rosae, germinant campi, rideant prata. Surgat Auster, perflent venti, flumina plaudant, resonent valles cantibus avium,
Vox principes caeli, pompa solemni ducite choreas, agite triumphum, dum nos interis modulantes canimus himnum:
Te laudamus, te benedicimus, te adoramus, virgo faeconda, intacta sponsa, casta puerpera; gaudia matris habens, O Maria, cum virginitatis honore.
Te laudamus, O Maria, te benedicimus, O Maria, te adoramus, O Maria.

Let tongues sound a good word, a honeyed word, a milky word; let hearts rejoice, let lips drip the sweetness of divine love, and, filled with joy, let them be gladdened because of Mary’s radiant splendor.
Let trees put forth leaves, let lilies flower, let roses grow red, let the fields bud, let the meadows laugh. Let the South Wind arise, let the winds blow, let the rivers rejoice, let the valleys resound with the songs of birds.
You princes of heaven, lead your choirs in a solemn procession, celebrate a triumph, while we musicians on earth sing a hymn:
We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, fertile virgin, untouched spouse, chaste child-bearer. You have the joys of a mother, O Mary, with the honor of virginity.
We praise you, O Mary, we bless you, O Mary, we adore you, O Mary.


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