Colour Triage Interrogation Department

Описание к видео Colour Triage Interrogation Department

Runner up and winner of group A by random selection process.
26 Extractions from 3 visual elements and 3 found sound recordings with EQ speed changes and simple edits.
I could have titled this one "If Mondrian had a computer?"
I am deliberately working with at least one basic concept..."less is more" and I wondered if I were able to rinse this particular problem/exercise and using my specialized woo woo techniques, discover something interesting to the eye fulfilling a "perceptualist" demand but also to light up the soul if that is possible.
Can a restriction of palette or elements be a limit to touching the "other". Will restriction dum down any possibility of the condensate event.. the moment at which people, but mostly myself are touched, inspired, overwhelmed or is it complexity which is the reaction medium/catalyst for x factor crystallization?
I leave these thoughts and more to people better equipped to chat about. If nothing else simply enjoy a vista racing morphing color boundary confined and divided interacting and harmonizing. Play on repeat if you get the chance and sit back with your favorite drink allowing your eyes and internal dialogue to take you on a journey.


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