Class 45 'Peak' cab ride (

Описание к видео Class 45 'Peak' cab ride (

I recently bought one of the new Heljan Class 45 models, so I thought it fitting to revisit the famous 'Peak' diesel in Train Sim World 3.

So today we're driving Class 45 No. 45130 along the entire Northern Transpennine route, starting at Manchester Victoria and finishing at Leeds. We will cover 43 miles of track and call at Stalybridge, Huddersfield and Dewsbury on the way.

For reference, the specific Heljan model I bought was the split-headcode No. D15 in British Rail blue (only available from The Model Centre).

(No commentary)

(game and add-on links)

Train Sim World 3

Northern Transpennine ~ Manchester to Leeds

BR Heavy Freight Pack


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