Dr Sunil Dargar - How reliable is urine sugar test?

Описание к видео Dr Sunil Dargar - How reliable is urine sugar test?

Dr. Sunil Dargar, MBBS, MD, Pathologist, New Delhi, will talk about whether the urine sugar test is reliable. In earlier days, only urine sugar test was available to detect diabetes.
The urine test may not be frequently prescribed test nowadays, but its importance still remains. Presence of acetone, ketone, microalbumin or 24-hour albumin in urine is very relevant in diabetic patients.
Dr. Dargar will explain why it is necessary to know the sugar, acetone or ketone present in diabetic patient’s urine. The enzymes which are available to detect the glucose in urine are for ketones which are very reliable and can detect even a small amount of ketones and sugar in urine. Also, the urine sugar test can help to detect intermittent proteinuria in diabetic patients.


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