Salesforce Developer Interview preparation Bootcamp || Day 2

Описание к видео Salesforce Developer Interview preparation Bootcamp || Day 2

We continued from where we left in session 1 -
these are the main questions -

7. What are the best practices we follow in Test Class. How to test Private Classes?
8. How to test a Class which has external callouts.
9. what are Dynamic forms, what is the Differrence in Dynamic forms and record types.
10. How Async Apex is helpful, what are all diff async jobs and it's differences.
11. What is Mixed DML Exception how can we handle this.
12. Can we call future inside a future? what is the exception we get if we cannot call.
13. What makes LWC special rather than Aura.
14. Life cycle hooks and examples.
15. Types of Communication in LWC.
16. Syntax for Parent to child and child to parent communication.
17. why can't we make imperative apex calls inside constructor.
18. Limitations of LMS.
19. I have a LWC component which is supposed to get the list of contacts for a given AccounRecord,
but i couldn't see any response from the LWC component, what could be the possible reasons.
20. On Portal we have LWC component which implements Lightnin-reocrd-edit-form,If user edits a Lead status field,
then in SF side the value should be updated with the same value and vice-versa. How can u achieve this.
21. What are all the steps we follow to make integration success to a external system.
22. I want to grant access of my recordcs to my manager but do not want that senior manager will be able to access the records. How that can be done ?


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