2024.12.26~2025.01.01 / PTE WFD 368 practice

Описание к видео 2024.12.26~2025.01.01 / PTE WFD 368 practice

Your tutor will show you how to prepare the essay.
Educational level is found to be related to social and economic background.
The final year will consist of four taught courses and one project.
This morning's lecture on economic policy has been canceled.
Our new medical students must attend the talk about optional courses.
Academic libraries across the world are steadily incorporating social media.
You will need to read Chapter One before the management class.
The very basic definition of computing would be counting and calculating.
The lecture will take place in the main hall.
We learned through observations and the analysis of human behaviors.
Most teaching staff make their lecture notes available online.


While reconciliation is desirable, basic underlying issues must first be addressed.
Nowadays, accounting is far more important for business than ever before.

Read Aloud
Repeat Sentence
Describe Image
Retell Lecture
Answer Short Question
Summarize Written Text
Writing Essay
Re-order paragraphs
Fill in the blanks (R & W)
Fill in the blanks (R)
Summarize spoken text
Highlight incorrect words
Fill in the blanks (Listening)
Write from Dictation


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