swtor 4.7 gunslinger dirty fighting rotation guide.

Описание к видео swtor 4.7 gunslinger dirty fighting rotation guide.

Overview: Hello guys this is a detailed look at dirty fighting gunslinger this spec is the hardest to learn of all three disciplines.dirty fighting is a dot spec (dot=damage over time) it does however have some burst when done correctly. This spec shines when you have more than one target example being kp=jarg and sorno or dread palace=bestia reason for this is dot spread you can do a lot of damage to multiple targets all at the same time. This being said sharpshooter or sabotuer is superior in certain fights where you need more burst.

Rotation (opener):smugglers luck-freighter flyby-vital shot-shrap bomb-hemorrhaging blast-attack adrenal-wounding shots.

Rotation (sustained dps continues from wounding shots) dirty blast x3(one is used with utility for re crouch for instant cast)-Illegal mods-quick draw-wounding shots-speed shot-quick draw-hemorrhaging blast-wounding shots-vital
shot-shrap bomb-quick draw-dirty blast(if energy is +70% if not then use flurry of shots)-wounding shots-quick draw-speed shot-hemorrhaging blast-wounding shots. then rinse and repeat and use basic attack at times if needed for energy regen between cool head cool downs.

Combat utility:
skillful:(choose between these four according to fight) Ballistic dampeners-snap shot-pulse screen you can drop snap shot for efficient ammo if you need more aoe.
masterful:lay low-hotwired defenses
Heroic:holed up-riot screen

Closing statement:The rotation centers around wounding blasting an enemy three time before having to re apply dots. Take note of the user interface i have that interface was made for dirty fighting it takes all four blocks of the rotation and puts them in order makes it simpler to understand.In the video you will also see that i use take cover/crouch on my third dirty blast this is because i have the utility that when entering cover it activates instantly.

Thank you all for checking this out.

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