Immune System| MHC Complex| Types| Function| Neet| Net| Set| Assistant Professor| All Exams|

Описание к видео Immune System| MHC Complex| Types| Function| Neet| Net| Set| Assistant Professor| All Exams|

#immunesystem #mhccomplex #types #function

(MHC) is a group of genes on DNA that code for proteins on the surface of cells that are essential for the adaptive immune system. These proteins are called MHC molecules.
Here are some facts about the MHC:
In humans, the MHC is located on the short arm of chromosome 6 at position 6p21.3. In mice, it's located on chromosome 17.
The MHC contains hundreds of genes, including the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes.
The MHC is highly polymorphic, meaning there are multiple variants of each gene in the population.
MHC class I and class II proteins present peptides on the cell surface for T cells to recognize.
Role in transplantation
In organ transplantation, the recipient's immune system recognizes the donor's HLA molecules, triggering an alloimmune response. Matching the donor and recipient for MHC antigens can positively affect graft acceptance.
The MHC has three regions: MHC-I, MHC-II, and MHC-III.

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   / @biolifescienceexam  

This topic is important to many compitition exam like..
RPSC( First and Second Grade Exam)
RPSC( Assistant Professor)
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HPSC( Assistant Professor, PGT and TGT Exam)
CSIR NET( Life Science Exam)
DBT Exam
CUET Entrance Exam
M.Sc. Entrance Exam
KVS( PGT and TGT Exam)


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