Haejun's master plan to be a ✨real family✨| Family by choice

Описание к видео Haejun's master plan to be a ✨real family✨| Family by choice

Drama name : Family by choice

This drama revolving around Kang Haejun, Yoon Juwon, Kim Sanha and their fathers. They become one family after the boys mother abandoned them for various reasons. This is a story of these three about how their relationship changes through time after going through hardships on their own.

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Tags : family by choice, family by choice funny moments, kimsanha, yoonjoowon, kanghaejun, three siblings, Family by choice dads, kimsanha and yoonjoowon, kanghaejun dad being rich, kim sanha mom returns, hwanginyeop, Sanha nad juwon dating, haejun mom returns, haejun mom, sanha mom, Haejun and juwon being siblings, family by choice preview, family by choice kdrama, family by choice edits, sanha proposing juwon


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