330 Cubic Fractals

Описание к видео 330 Cubic Fractals

Formula Generator: https://zerico2005.github.io/330-Cubi...

330 Cubic Fractals is the combination of the two previous Fractal videos, utilizing GLSL to render high quality stills (24576i 256s) and morphs (4096i 16s) at 3840x2160 60p. There are 254 more fractals to explore in Cubic land, simply copy the Fractal ID into the website to explore the 330 Cubic Mandelbrot variants.

Super Sonic Edition (Just the morphs/transitions):    • 330 Cubic Fractals [Super Sonic Edition]  

If you would like to explore these fractals yourself, then you can download ABS-Fractal-Explorer from Itch.io and GitHub.
Itch.io: https://zerico2005.itch.io/abs-fracta...
GitHub: https://github.com/ZERICO2005/ABS-Fra...

The Cubic formulas use values of 0-16383 instead of 0-255 for Quadratic Fractals. There were several duplicate fractals, so I used hashes to get rid of them until I got to 2116 Fractals, then I used a software to get rid of rotational duplicates bringing the Fractal count to 330. It took a total of 28.8 hours to render all 330 fractals. The square Fractals are slightly interesting, the larger one extends out to Root(2) the farthest a Cubic fractal can extend out to, and the smaller one only goes to 1/Root(27/4) or 0.3849, the smallest a Cubic fractal can be.

Apparently some of the Named fractals in the video go by 2-4 different names, so please note that the names might be slightly different from what you may have expected.

My old renderer on Scratch (Unrelated): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/5274... (Shift Click for Turbo Mode)

This video will probably be the last one that I do in premier pro because I now know why color shifting occurred when exporting in Olive, it is because VLC YouTube and Adobe are to stupid to realize that the video olive exports is in sRGB and not rec709. Until rec709 exporting is added to Olive I will just convert sRGB to rec709 with ffMPEG. ffMPEG is also really good at converting MKV to MP4 and vice versa for dealing with proprietary restrictive Adobe software.

Several sentences with inadequate periods that I wrote on July 13th 2022 at 1:14am when I had to get up at 4:

I will need to confirm the number but Java was going to take around 50-170 hours to render at 8192i 64s and 1024-2048i 4s. When I saw the speeds that GLSL was able to pull off, I increased the presets to a higher quality while still being under 40 hours of Render time. This video was a bit delayed since I was not able to find anything that was faster than my current Java implementation. Then one day I decided to try going at openGL and it actually worked that time and it was great, then I had to learn how to fully convert the Ray Tracer Demo code into a Cubic Mandelbrot renderer, which was painful since I had to overcome a few issues and nuances like Execution limits which I still don’t understand the point of their existence. I got around it by splitting the image up into 60 pieces and splitting 3 of the morphs in half because they crashed, because they took up the entire screen because of my flawed morph algorithms. One was rendering for 2 hours while I was sleeping before it crashed, meaning that it did nothing for the next 6 hours which was stupid. Another thing that was stupid was that the Cubic version of some of the Quadratic Fractals would lead to the same Cubic Fractal, which is why some of the Cubic Fractals have like Eight (Actually 3-4) different names for the same Fractal. Since I was coding stuff in C++ I really hated how a lot of tutorials used namespace std, now I don’t know where to put std:: because why would I ever use namespace std, there is no point to it. If you read all of that I will now tell you that I called the new color palette I used in the video “Electric Blue”. The previous color palette could be called “Classic Red” since Red is distanced while the Green and Blue colors were put close together.

May 28th: I have discovered that the upper bound of ABS Mandelbrot variants is 3n+5, where n is the power of the Mandelbrot. This matches 2^14 cubic fractals, and the predicted 2^17 quartic fractals. There is only 2^8 quadratic fractals instead of 2^11 because some of the variations are redundant, I speculate that all even Mandelbrot powers will have redundant formulas.


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