क्या होता है HDL Cholesterol? | High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL) Test | Good Cholesterol

Описание к видео क्या होता है HDL Cholesterol? | High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL) Test | Good Cholesterol

Hello friends welcome to my channel, My name is Akash Prajapati, Today's topic is HDL Cholesterol.

Cholesterol is a wax-like substance found in the blood. There are two sources of cholesterol which include cholesterol obtained from food and cholesterol produced by the liver. Lipoproteins act as a form of transport in the body, whose main function is to transport lipids (organic substances that cannot dissolve in the body). There are different types of lipoproteins which are divided according to their density. HDL is one such type of lipoprotein and it is of high density. The primary function of HDL is to remove cholesterol from the blood and cells and transport it to the liver. After this the liver removes cholesterol from the body. That is why HDL cholesterol is called ‘good cholesterol’.

The liver makes only the cholesterol the body needs. Excess cholesterol that comes into the body from food can accumulate in the blood vessels. This congestion can slow down blood flow and increase the risk of heart diseases. This is where HDL's work begins. An increased amount of HDL can be beneficial for a person as it protects the person from heart diseases. HDL cholesterol test is done to know the amount of HDL in the blood.
There are no symptoms of changes in cholesterol levels. A person may never even realize that there has been a change in the cholesterol level in the body and this puts him at risk of many diseases. The diseases that are caused by changes in cholesterol are:

Atherosclerosis (accumulation of fatty material in the arteries, which narrows the lumen)
Coronary heart disease (reduced blood flow to the heart)
Heart attack (blood flow to the heart stops, causing death of the heart muscle)
Therefore, the doctor may ask to get this test done every four to six years. HDL cholesterol test is the same as the regular test done to check lipids. This test is done to detect heart diseases. If most of the people in the person's family suffer from high cholesterol, then the doctor may ask to get this test done at shorter intervals. The risk of being affected by these diseases increases further if the person has high blood pressure or diabetes or if he smokes.

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The information shown in this video have been made on the advice of the internet, books, doctors and my experience before using any of that topic mentioned in this video please do not take any treatment and test without consulting your doctor. This video made only knowledge and information, Please if you have any problem, first of all consult a doctor, only then get your problem treated and checked, Wishing you a good health, fitness and happiness.

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