FIA Act 1974 MCQs | Important FIA Test MCQs [ FIA Test Preparation 2022 ]

Описание к видео FIA Act 1974 MCQs | Important FIA Test MCQs [ FIA Test Preparation 2022 ]

This video is about FIA Act 1974 MCQS for FIA Test Preparation 2022. In this video, you will find FIA Test MCQs related to FIA Act 1974 MCQs with answers for the FIA Jobs 2022 - 2023.

This video covers FIA Test MCQS for FIA Jobs 2022 - 2023. You will find FIA Act 1974 Mcqs with answers in this video. You will also find FIA Act 1974 MCQs with answers that will help you understand the questions for FIA Jobs 2022.

The video covers the following FIA Test Preparation 2022 - 2023 Queries:
FIA act 1974 MCQs questions
FIA act 1974 in Urdu
FIA act 1974 solved MCQs
FIA act 1974 MCQs latest
FIA past papers
FIA solved MCQs.

In this Video The Following FIA MCQs Questions with Answer Are Mentioned:

Question: In which year was FIA formed?
Question: Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) was formed in__
Question: When was the FIA Act of 1974 gazette?
Question: Who was the first director general of FIA appointed in 1974?
Question: Who is the head of the FIA?
Question: The motto of FIA is___
Question: Which is not the responsibility of FIA?
Question: Director General FIA is assisted by how many Directors?
Question: Who appoints Director General FIA?
Question: The Director General (DG) FIA has powers?
Question: Under the FIA Act 1974, member of the FIA not below the rank of_
Question: What is meant by Federal Government in the constitution of Pakistan?
Question: Who can make rules for FIA?
Question: Who can make rules for FIA?
Question: Who can make rules for FIA?
Question: Who can make rules for FIA?
Question: DG FIA is usually a senior__
Question: Who is chairperson of the National Executive Committee to combat money laundering?
Question: The Prevention of Electronic Crime Act came into enforce on__
Question: DG FIA is appointed by__
Question: Who is the current Director-General of FIA?
Question: The FIA is under the supervision of___
Question: The FIA is under the supervision of___
Question: The FIA is under the supervision of___
Question: Which offences are dealt by FIA?
Question: As per FIA’s Prevention of Electronic Crime Act, whoever with dishonest intention gains unauthorized access to the information system or data shall be punished with:
Question: FIA is a separate organization under__
Question: FIA is a separate organization under__
Question: UNODC is an abbreviation for:
United Nations Office on__
Question: Who launched ‘Developing Solutions for Drugs and Related Challenges in Pakistan’ program____
Question: Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) also serves as a/an__
Question: FIR stands for what?
Question: The Immigration and Anti-Human Smuggling (IAHS) Wing of FIA was established on__
Question: SHO stands for__
Question: What is the territorial extent of the FIA?
Question: Under which section is the Federal Investigation Agency constituted?
Question: What does Special Police mean?
Question: What is the highest post in FIA?
Question: Who is responsible for the administration of the Agency?
Question: Which body designates a place as the Police Station?
Question: Who is the head of the FIA?
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Interpretation N.A .G
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