The Best Proposal Ever

Описание к видео The Best Proposal Ever

At Victoria's school, on Fridays and last days before holiday weekends, the school plays a mystery voice over the loud speaker. The first classroom to guess correctly and call in to the main office, wins a trophy for the week! The mystery voice is typically a faculty or staff member who recites a poem, reads a story or sings a song.

Well, on November 25, 2014, Victoria's boyfriend was the mystery voice. He wrote a poem that he read over the loud speaker and you'll see Victoria's reaction as she has no idea who the voice is at first. Only until he mentions her name does she realize who it is.

He walks down to her classroom to propose to her in front of her students and fellow teachers while the music teacher plays "Grow Old with You" over the loud speaker.

Nick was working with the principal and music teacher for over a month to coordinate all of the day's activities and surprises.

Following the proposal, Nick spent the day and brought in bagels for the kids.

It was truly a day to remember, bringing laughter, tears and happiness to all who witnessed and most importantly surprising Victoria with the best proposal ever.

The quotes you will see throughout the videos entirety are things people actually said.

Here is the introduction and poem Nick wrote and read:

Good morning, everyone! Today, I am your mystery voice. This may be your hardest one yet and there may only be one person who recognizes the sound of my voice. I wrote a poem for a special someone, listen closely! Are you ready? Here we go!

If I could be so honest
For just a minute or two
I have something special
I’d like to share with you

I want to let you know
Right from my very heart
How thankful I am
For my life of which you are apart

To be thankful for you,
Is poetically true
‘Tis the season,
You are my rhyme and my reason.

I wrote this poem with all intent
To give me a reason to set this event
And soon you will see
All how much, Ms. Greenidge, you mean to me

Ladies and Gentlemen:
Boys and girls,
Today is the day,
I change our world.

I have been friends with Ms. Greenidge for quite a long time
And for more than 2 years, she has been my partner in crime.

She’s the fruit to my loop
The love of my life
And I hope to one day make her my wife.

So Ms. Greenidge
What do you say?
I’ll love you even when we’re old and gray.

I'm spending the day with you and your class
Thanks to Mr. Meyer who gave me a pass.
I'm about to walk to your room, and get down on one knee
To ask if you will marry me


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