Trish Burr book review - unboxing: "Needle paintng embroidery: Fresh idea for beginners"

Описание к видео Trish Burr book review - unboxing: "Needle paintng embroidery: Fresh idea for beginners"

Hello !
Today I will be doing an unboxing video of my first embroidery book: it's the 'Needle paintng embroidery: Fresh idea for beginners", the author is Trish Burr.
I paid about 18 € from and I do think it's worth the price, I mean it's a cool book and I love it so much, but hmm, I would have preferred to find it cheaper, in a price range between 12- 15 € appropriate for a book that contains only basic embroidery knowledge.
If you find it cheaper, take it home folks!
In the next vid, I'll show you the mistake that I made compared with the tips shared by Trish Burr in her book.


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