Harold Simmons (Trinity) Park Update

Описание к видео Harold Simmons (Trinity) Park Update

The Trinity Park Conservancy, formerly called The Trinity Trust, is spearheading plans to bring a long-desired vision for activating the Trinity River between the Margaret McDermott and Margaret Hunt Hill bridges in Dallas to become a place for the public to engage with the Trinity River. Guided by the Balanced Vision Plan, a coordinated plan created for the Trinity River Corridor, the Conservancy is bringing this portion of the river “to life” as it works hand-in-hand with citizens and communities. As one of the first major projects in the area, the Conservancy, in conjunction with Michael Van Valkenberg Landscape Architects and Lake | Flato Architects, is implementing the design for major portions of the Harold Simmons Park between the two bridges. The Park will connect neighborhoods through a series of elevated overlooks and gateways to the river and its natural habitats for plants and wildlife. In addition, it will provide new access via additional trails and river crossings to unite the two sides of the river. The Dallas Architecture Forum presented this special evening on May 30, 2024 at the Trinity Park Conservancy offices. Tony Moore, the Conservancy President and CEO, educated attendees on the plans that have been developed and now are beginning to be implemented. View this video to learn how the Conservancy, building on the landmark projects in the areas, including the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge, the Margaret McDermott Bridge, and the Ronald Kirk Pedestrian Bridge, is working with citizens of Dallas to re-imagine the Trinity River as a great natural environment and place to visit. Please support The Forum, a non-profit organization, at https://dallasarchitectureforum.org/d... so we can continue to present lectures and events featuring design thought leaders that educate, connect communities, and enhance how we live.


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