Black Cobra Chilli Test..

Описание к видео Black Cobra Chilli Test..

Black Cobra a Pubescens variety from dunno, was sent this with the Orange Cobra a few years ago from my mate Bob in the US, grown for years to see how went in comparison to the Goatsweed which it seems to be called as well, but after growing them both for years, noticed that they are completely different yet similar.

Our 2 guests Mia & Maria join in with Charlotte and i and we have a crack at the Black Cobra..

A Pubescen, has furry stems and leaves, the Plants stay fairly small and get to about 50 Cm high, but grow more out than up and once get pods, they get droopy and stay low. A great Producer, produces heaps and seemed to keep going through the mildish winter so like cool temps, and they like filtered sun as well.. The Pods are similar to Goatsweed but smaller, 4-5cm long and just over 1cm wide, start off Green but go to a Bright Black then a really Bright Red once ripe, they go great in Pots and would really bush out if Put in ground..

What's it Like ?
How Hot is it ?

Taste and its crunchy, its seedy but not annoying.. taste is a salty like flavour and then a tang, Charlotte said Sour, it was actually not bad and not that capsicum like taste expecting. Left a nice little tang in mouth as went along, would be great in anything that not want an overpowering flavour but some heat.. we all said was surprisingly nice

Heat hits pretty quick and then builds, hit me on the tongue and bit at the back of the throat, top palate and built more till the whole mouth was burning, the tongue the worse and heat was Decent as the tongue was throbbing and hurt when breathed, Stingy burn that no 1 really liked, ended up with gums and lips hurting still after the break and could still feel a tingle on the tongue 20 min later so it's a Good Solid Burn that goes for ages but stingy..

Solid plant and a great producer with the Bright Black pods turning a vibrant Red, not bad flavour and decent Stingy heat, goes great in Pots and probably better in the ground, great all round Plant..

Can get the seeds from when available

Thanks Mia and Maria for Joining in again and hope ya's can join in on some More in the future....

Hope You Enjoy

Be Excellent

Neil & Charlotte


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